
Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R, Second Edition

Shailaja Deshmukh, Vidyagouri Prayag

2025 | Paperback | 448 pp | 1395

Heads or Tails: An Introduction to Limit Theorems in Probability

Emmanuel Lesigne

2022 | Paperback | 160 pp | 660

Learning Mathematics Through Modelling and Simulation:An Investigative Approach

Jonaki Ghosh, Amber Habib, Geetha Venkataraman

2023 | Paperback | 256 pp | 750

Lie Groups: A Problem-Oriented Introduction via Matrix Groups

Harriet Pollatsek

2022 | Paperback | 188 pp | 1075

Problems in Real and Functional Analysis

Alberto Torchinsky

2022 | Paperback | 480 pp | 2250

Topics in Abstract Algebra, Fourth Edition

M K Sen, Shamik Ghosh, Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay and Sunil Kumar Maity

2022 | Paperback | 536 pp | 795

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