Concepts in Biotechnology

D Balasubramanian;C F A Bryce;K Dharmalingam;J Green;Kunthala Jayaraman

ISBN: 9788173714832 | Year: 2004 | Paperback | Pages: 516 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: WORLD

Price: 1230.00

The book covers the fundamental principles and concepts in biotechnology which form the basis for the subject and illustrates their applications in selected areas such as health care, agriculture, animal systems, bioprocess technologies and environmental aspects. This textbook is the outcome of a COSTED-IBN project on curriculum development in biotechnology for undergraduate study. It is designed to provide a strong base in this emerging, interdisciplinary are which holds great promise for economic development.

Balasubramanian, D., Bryce, C.F.A., Jayaraman, K., Green, J. & Dharmalingam, K. (Eds.)

About ICSU and COSTED-IBN / Preface to the Second Edition / Foreword / Acknowledgements / How to use this book / From cell biology to biotechnology - D. Balasubramanian / Interplay of macromolecules in a living cell - A. Pena / Structural and functional dynamic of the cell - G.E. Herve / Gene Structure and Expression - A.C. Robinson, L.L. Kisselev / Gene technology - Kunthala Jayaraman, M. Sritharam / Protein engineering and design - V. Pattabhi, N. Gautham / Enzyme technology - D. Thomas, J-M. Laval / Bioprocess technology: Exploitation of micro-organisms for the production of chemicals - J. Green, M. El-Mansi / Bioprocess technology: Exploitation of animal cells - A. Fiechter / Immunotechnology - G.P. Talwar, R. Raghupathy, S.K. Gupta, V. Bal / Biotechnology as a new frontier in health - M.G. Deo, R. Mulherkar / Plant biotechnology - K. Dharmalinga, K. Veluthambi / Biotechnology in livestock Production - K.C. Reed, G.A. Smith / Biotechnology in food and beverage production / Environmental biotechnology / Bio-informatics and pattern recognition in DNA and protein sequences - G.I. Bell, M. El-Mansi / Marine biotechnology - R.R. Colwell, R.T. Hill / Impact of biotechnology on the sustainability of the environment - F.W.G. Baker / Biotechnology, international competition, and economic, ethical and social implications in developing countries - D.R.J. Macer / Contributors and editors / Glossary / Index

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